MILES FEEDBACK 360 Degree Survey For Samir Pawar MILES FEEDBACK | 360 Degree Survey MILES FEEDBACK | 360 Degree Survey For Samir Pawar The survey has been concluded. Thank You! Please enter your name : *My Role; *SelfDirect ReportPeerManagerBusiness StakeholderKindly enter your email. The Miles coach may reach out to you for a further discussion if needed. *ROLE INTEGRATIONFeedback Parameters (Likert Scale : 1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree)1. Proactively engages colleagues and team members. *15Statement 1 is not applicable.2. Is willing to yield ground for achieving long term goals and purpose. *15Statement 2 is not applicable.3. Is curious and willing to learn how other leaders function and approach a particular challenge. *15Statement 3 is not applicable.4. Experience, knowledge, and competence are brought into visible use in everyday operations. *15Statement 4 is not applicable.5. Acts decisively. *15Statement 5 is not applicable.CULTURE ALIGNMENTFeedback Parameters (Likert Scale : 1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree)1. Integrates his wisdom and knowledge into the ACG way of functioning. *15Statement 1 is not applicable.2. Pauses when listening and interrupts appropriately. *15Statement 2 is not applicable.3. Shares his vulnerability and discloses areas he is unsure of, with mindfulness. *15Statement 3 is not applicable.4. Demonstrates versatility and flexibility when approaching different situations. *15Statement 4 is not applicable.5. Understands the ACG way of working and adapts well. *15Statement 5 is not applicable.6. Offers spaciousness for decision-making. Balances the urgent and important. *15Statement 6 is not applicable.7. Is culturally aware and sensitive. *15Statement 7 is not applicable.TEAM ALIGNMENTFeedback Parameters (Likert Scale : 1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree)1. Presence inspires trust and ease. *15Statement 1 is not applicable.2. Listens and allows for diverse thoughts to emerge for consideration. *15Statement 2 is not applicable.3. Drives results through working with others. *15Statement 3 is not applicable.4. Understands and calls out unconscious bias in others and facilitates inclusion. *15Statement 4 is not applicable.5. Backs up decisions of the team. Stands by when the decisions do not get the right results. *15Statement 5 is not applicable.6. Asks empowering questions that throw light on underlying challenges and issues. *15Statement 6 is not applicable.MANAGER AND SENIOR STAKEHOLDER ALIGNMENTFeedback Parameters (Likert Scale : 1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree)1. Anticipates potential challenges and equips the team to handle the same. *15Statement 1 is not applicable.2. Approaches conflict with a curious and learning mindset. *15Statement 2 is not applicable.3. Possesses the necessary technical and functional skills and abilities for the job/role. *15Statement 3 is not applicable.4. Works towards alignment with the senior manager(s). *15Statement 4 is not applicable.5. Aligns his behaviours with the stated organizational values. *15Statement 5 is not applicable.6. Brings in big-picture thinking. *15Statement 6 is not applicable.7. Is genuinely curious to understand and engage with individuals and teams from diverse cultural sensibilities. *15Statement 7 is not applicable.8. Listens for differences and remains open when challenged back. *15Statement 8 is not applicable.CLARITY ON VALUE ADDFeedback Parameters (Likert Scale : 1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree)1. Thinking and communication indicate an appreciation of the business challenges and constraints and how best to leverage resources in a problem situation. *15Statement 1 is not applicable.2. Prioritises both the urgent and the important. *15Statement 2 is not applicable.3. Comes across as a leader who is willing to push boundaries and challenge the status quo. *15Statement 3 is not applicable.4. Is seen as someone who will add value to the team and the organization. *15Statement 4 is not applicable.5. Communicates clearly and transparently. *15Statement 5 is not applicable.6. Demonstrates strategic influencing with both internal and external stakeholders. *15Statement 6 is not applicable.7. Proactively uses the organizational strategic tools for driving growth and change. *15Statement 7 is not applicable.8. Can motivate and engage teams with diverse cultural backgrounds. *15Statement 8 is not applicable.QUALITATIVE QUESTIONS1. What are the key strengths this leader brings in to the new role and organisation? *2. What are the critical challenges and what do you wish this leader to do more of in the new role? *SUBMIT Powered by