Parts Work IFS Goa India

Parts Work

IFS for Coaches and Other Practitioners

An Introduction to Internal Family Systems (IFS)

New dates will be released soon!
In-Person | May 31 – June 2, 2024
Goa, India

This workshop will introduce you to Internal Family Systems (IFS)
—perhaps the most powerful model of personal transformation ever discovered.

It is both a tool for healing

and a tool for awakening.

This training will change how you see


Your clients

The world

It will change how you work with clients even if you do not use IFS directly. You will have a new lens with which to understand all human systems, internal and external.

If you’re interested in joining the workshop and receiving information about the schedule for the next workshop, please subscribe using this form.

For any queries, please contact:

+91 99109 24833

The big ideas of IFS are simple:

  • The human psyche naturally divides into many subpersonalities or parts. These parts can be healed one at time or in small groups.
  • All human beings have an enlightened core, called Self. Self is whole, wise, loving, and good. And Self is more easily accessed than people realize.
  • The internal human world of parts and Self is a relational system. By bringing wounded parts into relationship with Self, they heal. We are self-healing!

As parts heal, the energy that was held in the wound or trauma is released. And that liberated energy supports our awakening to our divine nature.

Here is what you will learn:

  • The four dimensions of IFS
  • The six organizing principles of IFS
  • The protocol for facilitating IFS
  • The two main methods of working with parts

This training will change you as you learn to facilitate change in others.

Guthrie Sayen

A message from Guthrie

“On my first teaching trip to India in 2013, I introduced three dozen people to IFS. I will never forget that training or the people in it. I felt like I had found both a branch of my soul family and a deeper level of my soul’s purpose. I am profoundly touched by the thought of returning to the sacred ground of India, the home of many rich spiritual traditions and of many soul brothers and sisters. I hope you can join me.”

Guthrie Sayen, PhD, PCC, created and leads the Parts Works series, which he first began offering in 2013. He also created and leads Coaching with Spirit, a comprehensive training accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). He has trained most of the faculty of Leadership That Works, where he has created and led basic and advanced coaching classes since 2008. He creates and leads trainings for local chapters of the ICF, and he has also trained coaches through the True Purpose Institute.

Over the years, Guthrie has mentored hundreds of coaches at all stages of their careers, from beginners to seasoned masters. He helps coaches to respectfully enter another person’s inner world and collaborate with the natural wisdom of that person’s system. He has more than 10,000 hours of coaching people from around the world.

In his private practice, he works with wounded healers, helping them do for themselves what they are called to do for others. He also helps seekers come into the presence of the Divine, so that they can live their soul’s purpose. His mission is to end suffering on this planet by bringing the light of love to all parts and to all people. His website is

Program Fees

(without accommodation & meals)

INR 49,560 / USD 595 (Early Bird Offer, valid through April 15, 2024)

INR 59,000 / USD 695 (from April 16, 2024)

All prices mentioned above are inclusive of GST (Goods and Services Tax).

Venue Details



Thondwaddo, Betalbatim,
Salcette, Goa – 403708

If you’re interested in joining the workshop and receiving information about the schedule for the next workshop, please subscribe using this form.

For any queries, please contact:

+91 99109 24833

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