CFT Partial Completion Policy

These terms and conditions of the Participation Agreement are being executed between Leadership that Works India (“LTW India”), 4th Floor, Asmita, N. S. Road 3, JVPD Scheme, Vile Parle West, Mumbai, Maharashtra – 400056 and the Participant whose name and details are specified in the attached registration form. These terms & conditions are an electronic record in the form of a binding agreement between the Parties. These terms & conditions do not require any physical, electronic or digital signature. These terms & conditions are a legally binding document and will be effective upon the Participant’s enrollment in the Program. These terms & conditions together with the registration form (“Agreement“) constitute the entire agreement and shall fully govern your participation in the Program. The Participant hereby understands, agrees, represents and warrants as under that:

  1. The Participant should ideally complete the Program within the timelines as specified by LTW India to avoid any kind of additional expenses. However, only in extreme and special situations, in the event the Participant is unable to complete the Program within the specified timelines, LTW India may at its sole discretion grant an extension of the Program to such Participant subject to such additional fee, cost and expenses as may be specified by LTW India.
  2. Participants can apply for an extension up to six weeks beyond the scheduled course completion date at least a month in advance. The same will be granted by the course director/cohort anchor basis as assessment of the participants’ genuine need for an extension.
  3. The Participant’s Program progress data is retained for the following two years after the Program has concluded. As a result, the participant can complete the Program in these two years for an additional fee ($100 or equivalent in Indian currency).
  4. The acquired training hours can only be applied to the Coaching for Transformation Program if the participant is unable to finish the Program within the allotted timeframes.
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